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常 薇



常薇,博士,三级教授,bevictor伟德官网副经理。长期从事分析化学、分离科学与技术、仪器分析等本科生及研究生的教学工作以及化工新型材料、光催化、环境污染物分离分析、固体废弃物处置等方面的研究工作。近年来主持和参与国家级、省部级、厅局级、校企合作等各类科研项目10余项,先后在国内外学术期刊”Journal of Alloys and Compounds”、“Applied Surface Science”、“Cereramics International”、“Applied Catalysis B: Environmental” 、“无机化学学报”等重要学术期刊上发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI、EI 收录20余篇,获专利授权多项。在教学方面,主持参与完成省级、校级教改项目6项,获省部级教学成果一等奖、二等奖各一项,校级教学成果一等奖一项、二等奖两项,发表教改论文10余篇,主编出版教材3部。指导的研究生论文多次获得校级优秀论文。


1. W ChangL Zhang, T Fujino, et.al. Chestnut-shell-derived magnetic porous carbon for removing malachite green dye from water, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2022

2. S FanW Chang Y Hui, et.al. Stretchable and bendable textile matrix based on cellulose fibers for wearable self powered glucose biosensorsCellulose2022

3.W Chang, J QinD Zheng, et.al. Preparation and enhanced photocatalytic performance of g-C3N4/TiO2-SiO2, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials2021

4.W Chang, D Zheng, C Zhao, et al. Adsorption property of congo red from aqueous solution by Cu-BTC/SiO2 composite. Chemical Monthly2020

5.Y Li, S Wang, W Chang, et al.Co-monomer engineering optimized electron delocalization system in carbonbridging modified g-C3N4 nanosheets with efficient visible-light photocatalytic performance, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020

6. W Chang, L Yan , B Liu, et.al.Photocatalyic activity of double pore structure TiO2 /SiO2 monoliths,Ceramics International, 2017
